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Process Flow Simulation Diagrams

Process Flow Simulation Settings

To simulate a PFS diagram, choose Simulation > Simulation > Simulate or click the Simulate icon.

In the Process Flow Simulation window:

If you need your results to be repeatable, select the Use a Seed check box in the Advanced Options drop-down and enter a seed, which specifies a starting point from which the random numbers used in simulation will be generated. The same random numbers and, therefore, the same simulation results will be generated when the same seed value is used.

You can run simulations in multiple threads, which may improve performance and save time when simulating complex diagrams. The Number of Threads field in the Advanced Options drop-down allows you to specify the number of threads to use for simulation. In general, using twice as many threads as the number of cores in your computer is appropriate; a ratio of threads to cores greater than this 2:1 ratio is likely to degrade performance. To have the application automatically determine the number of cores in your system and set the number of threads accordingly, click the Calculate icon beside the Number of Threads field.

The number of threads you use affects repeatability of results. In order for your results to be repeatable, you must use the same number of threads and the same seed each time you simulate the diagram. When you are using multithreading, the seed that you specify in the Advanced Options drop-down is the seed for the first thread; seeds for additional threads are sequential (e.g., if you are using 3 threads and your starting seed is 7, the threads will use 7, 8 and 9 as the starting points for random number generation).

The same display options that apply for RBD and fault tree simulation are available for PFS diagram simulation.


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