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Simulation Diagrams

Control Panels

Simulation Diagram Control Panel

The control panel associated with BlockSim simulation diagrams consists of multiple pages, each containing options for performing particular tasks. This topic focuses on the Simulation, Analysis Settings and Drag & Drop URDs pages of the simulation diagram control panel, which contain most of the tools you will need to build and simulate a diagram. For more information about the control panel in general, see Control Panels.

Control Panel Simulation Page

The Simulation page of the control panel for simulation diagrams contains the following options:

  Simulate opens the Maintainability/Availability Simulation window, which allows you to obtain reliability, maintainability, availability and throughput results from simulations.

  Plot creates a plot based on the simulation results. Clicking the Plot icon before the diagram has been simulated will automatically perform the simulation and then plot the data.

  Simulation QCP opens the simulation Quick Calculation Pad (QCP). The QCP allows you to obtain reliability, maintainability and availability metrics based on the simulation results. Clicking the QCP icon before the diagram has been simulated will automatically perform the simulation and then open the QCP.

  Change Diagram Type changes the current diagram to the opposite diagram type (i.e., changes the current analytical diagram to a simulation diagram, or the current simulation diagram to an analytical diagram). Note the following:

Control Panel Analysis Settings Page

The Analysis Settings page of the control panel for simulation diagrams contains the following options:

Control Panel Drag & Drop URDs Page

The Drag & Drop URDs page is available in the control panel for analytical and simulation diagrams, including fault trees. It provides a list of the URDs that are available for use by blocks in the diagram. Drag a URD into the diagram to create a standard block/event that uses the URD.

The list of URDs can be filtered using the same resource filter that is available in many other locations throughout Synthesis desktop applications.


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