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Markov Diagrams

Control Panels

Markov Diagram Control Panel

This topic focuses on the Analytical page of the Markov diagram control panel, which contains most of the tools you will need to analyze a Markov diagram. For more information about the control panel in general, see Control Panels.

Analytical Area

The Analytical area displays the status and results of the analysis.  

Information Area

If nothing is selected in the diagram, the Information area displays basic information about the diagram (or the phase that is currently selected). If a block or transition is selected, it displays a subset of the properties found in the properties window.

Tools Area

The Tools area gives you quick access to the tools you will need to analyze the diagram and generate additional results.

  Analyze analyzes the diagram.

  Plot creates a plot based on the analysis results. Clicking the Plot icon before the diagram has been analyzed will automatically perform the analysis and then plot the data.

  QCP opens the Markov Quick Calculation Pad (QCP). The QCP allows you to obtain metrics of interest based on the analyzed diagram.

  Change Diagram Type changes the current diagram to the opposite diagram type (i.e., changes the current discrete diagram to a continuous diagram, or the current continuous diagram to a discrete diagram). If you prefer to create a new diagram using the new type, use the Change Diagram Type window (Markov > Selection > Diagram Actions > Change Diagram Type) instead.


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