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System Hierarchy Tab

The System Hierarchy tab contains commands related to using the System panel.


  Add System adds a new top level (system) item to the System panel. The new item will be added to the bottom of the list.

  Add Next Level Item adds a new item to the next level below the item that is currently selected in the System panel. The new item will be added to the bottom of the list for that level.

  Add Same Level Item adds a new item to the same level as the item that is currently selected in the System panel. The new item will be added to the bottom of the list for that level.

  Insert Same Level Item adds a new item to the same level as the item that is currently selected in the System panel. The new item will be inserted above the selected item.


  Item Permissions opens the Item Permissions window and allows you to specify the user accounts that can view or modify the item. This command is available only for secure databases.


  Process Flow Diagram opens the process flow diagram associated with the selected item. If you have not yet created a diagram for the item, you will be prompted to choose whether to create a blank diagram or create blocks automatically based on the item’s FMEA or control plan.

  FMEA Block Diagram opens the FMEA Block diagram (also called a "Boundary Diagram") associated with the selected item. If you have not yet created a diagram for the item, you will be prompted to choose whether to create a blank diagram or create blocks automatically based on the selected portion of the system hierarchy.

  Cause and Effect Diagram opens the existing cause and effect diagram (also called a "fishbone diagram") associated with the selected item. If you have not yet created a diagram for the item, it will be created automatically.


   Properties Customization opens the Properties window where you can change the properties that are available for the items in this project.

  Attachments allows you to manage the linked or attached files for the selected item.

   Renumber All Items renumbers all items based on their position in the system hierarchy and resets all of the automatically generated system numbers. This cannot be undone. In the window that displays, click the Apply to reference number field check box to have Xfmea generate an item number that is stored in each item's Reference Number field. You may want to do if the numbers fall out of sequence.


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