Failure - Cause Matrix

The Failure – Cause Matrix allows you to view the unique failure modes and causes that have been defined in the FMEA. This matrix helps to see when the same cause has been identified for more than one failure mode. To do this, open the FMEA and then choose FMEA > Tools > Failure – Cause Matrix.

In the matrix, the failures associated with the selected item will appear by row (i.e., vertically) and the unique causes will appear by column (i.e., horizontally). An X will appear in the intersecting cell when the failure is associated with the cause. You may have to scroll through the window to view all failures and causes associated with the selected item.

This report is not saved within the software. It is automatically generated based on current data each time you open the window. If desired, click Send to Excel to save the current report to an Excel spreadsheet.


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