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This Ribbon is available only when working with a Design Review Based on Failure Mode (DRBFM) analysis.


   Parts/Functions adds cells to the DRBFM worksheet for describing the change and the parts/functions that might be affected by the change.

  Concerns adds cells to the DRBFM worksheet for describing concerns related to the change. The concerns in a DRBFM are similar to the failure modes in an FMEA. The DRBFM worksheet provides two columns for concerns. The Design Engineer view displays only the first column and the Review Team view displays both columns. For a given row of the worksheet, you can type in only one column or the other.

   Effects adds cells to the DRBFM worksheet for describing the effects that may result if the concern (failure mode) occurs.

   Causes adds cells to the DRBFM worksheet for describing the possible causes of the concern. The DRBFM worksheet provides two columns for causes. The Design Engineer view displays only the first column and the Review Team view displays both columns. For a given row of the worksheet, you can type in only one column or the other.

   Controls adds cells to the DRBFM worksheet for describing the controls that are in place to reduce the likelihood that the cause will occur (Prevention Controls) or increase the likelihood that the cause will be detected before it reaches the end user (Detection Controls).

   Actions adds cells to the DRBFM worksheet for describing the actions that will be assigned to address the concern. The DRBFM worksheet provides separate columns for three types of actions: design-related actions, testing-related actions and manufacturing-related actions. For a given row of the worksheet, you can define any or all of the three types of action.


   Get Functions from FMEA displays a list of all functions defined in the FMEA. You can choose to import any of these functions to the DRBFM.

   Send Functions to FMEA displays a list of all functions defined in the DRBFM. You can choose to export any of these functions (along with all related concerns, effects, causes, controls and actions) to the end of the FMEA.

   Get Header from FMEA imports the data from the FMEA header to the DRBFM header. This will replace any header information that has been defined already for the DRBFM.

   Send Header to FMEA exports the data from the DRBFM header to the FMEA header. This will replace any header information that has been defined already for the FMEA.


   Properties Customization opens the Properties window where you can change the properties that are available for the DRBFM records in this project.


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