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Weibull++ Features Overview

ALTA Features Overview

What's New in the Synthesis Version?

With the release of the Synthesis versions, Weibull++ and ALTA offer a completely updated user interface that has many new and enhanced features. Some of the major additions and enhancements include:

New Synthesis Platform and Centralized Data Storage

Weibull++ and ALTA analyses are now stored in a centralized database that supports simultaneous access by multiple users and shares relevant reliability information between ReliaSoft’s Synthesis applications. To give just one simple example of the many integration opportunities, you can now seamlessly use Weibull++ and/or ALTA analyses to set the properties for a reliability block diagram or fault tree in BlockSim, and the software can automatically update the diagram if the underlying data analysis changes.

New and Enhanced Test Design Tools

Weibull++’s reliability demonstration test design tool has been completely redesigned and expanded in the Synthesis version. The new interface uses terminology that is more familiar to real-world practice and stores the analysis in a folio for future reference. We have also added support for a fourth test design method: Non-Parametric Bayesian.

The Synthesis version also offers two completely new tools that were inspired by feedback from Weibull++ users. The Expected Failure Times Plot can help you to anticipate what will occur during a reliability test and also provide an early warning if the test is not proceeding as expected. The Difference Detection Matrix helps to determine how much test time may be required before the captured data will make it possible to detect a difference in the reliability of two competing designs.

New Target Reliability Estimator

The new Target Reliability Tool generates multiple plots designed to help you select a target reliability that will minimize cost and maximize profit/ return on investment.

New Maintenance Planning Tool

The ability to calculate the optimum replacement time provides a powerful opportunity to reduce a system’s maintenance costs while maximizing uptime. The new Maintenance Planning Tool generates a cost vs. time plot designed to help you determine the most cost-effective time to replace a system’s worn or failed components.

The tool also offers an option to create preventive and/or inspection tasks for use in BlockSim simulation diagrams.

Improved Usability for the Stress-Strength and Life Comparison Tools

Both the Life Comparison and Stress-Strength Calculator tools have been improved in the Synthesis version. Now you can save individual analyses in the project for future reference, and each folio automatically generates a pdf plot to visualize the comparison. The new version also allows you to obtain the confidence bounds on the calculated probability.

Obtain the Reliability Model Directly Within Degradation and Non-Parametric LDA Folios

When you use a degradation analysis or non-parametric LDA folio to extrapolate failure/suspension times, it’s no longer necessary to transfer the data to a separate folio for life data analysis or ALTA analysis. The Synthesis version now automatically calculates the LDA or ALTA model directly within the same folio and gives you immediate access to the calculated results and plots.

Redesigned QCP

The Quick Calculation Pad (QCP) has been updated and redesigned in the Synthesis version. The new interface provides a "Calculation Log" that works like a paper roll in an adding machine, allowing you to record the results from a series of different calculations and then copy/paste the results as needed.

Additional Confidence Bounds Calculations

The Likelihood Ratio confidence bounds method is now available for logistic, loglogistic, Gumbel and gamma distributions.

Bayesian confidence bounds calculations are now also available for normal, lognormal, logistic, loglogistic, Gumbel and gamma distributions.

Redesigned Quick Parameter Estimator

The Quick Parameter Estimator has proven to be a useful tool whenever you need to define a model without being able to calculate the parameters of a data set. Both of the QPE tools have been improved in the Synthesis version.

In the Weibull++ utility (for life distributions such as Weibull or lognormal), we've added a new wizard view that bypasses the statistical terminology and guides you through a series of questions that will "translate" what you know from practical experience with the product’s behavior into the information required to estimate the distribution and parameters.

In the ALTA version, you can now estimate the parameters of the entire model, including both the life-stress relationship and the use-level life distribution (e.g., Arrhenius-Weibull or Eyring-Lognormal). We have also added support for models with more than one accelerated stress type (e.g., Temperature-Humidity or General Log-Linear).

New Interval Width Estimator for Warranty Folio Usage Format

The Usage format in Weibull++’s warranty analysis folios supports the analysis of warranty returns data in terms of usage (e.g., miles, cycles, etc.) rather than time in service. When you define the usage as a distribution, the Synthesis version now offers a new tool to help you estimate appropriate usage rate intervals. This tool allows you to describe the typical usage (per day, month or year) in terms of either an average rate or a statistical distribution.

Reintroducing Word Report Templates

The software continues to offer built-in spreadsheets (similar to Microsoft Excel) that can be used for custom analysis and reporting (called "general spreadsheets" and "analysis workbooks"). Now in the Synthesis version we have reintroduced the "Word Report Template," a custom reporting utility that has functionality similar to Microsoft Word. All three tools allow you to automatically insert calculated results from selected data sheets. With the Word Report Templates, you can also insert tables and plots that are built automatically based on your specifications and the currently selected data source.

Automatic Conversion for Time Values Entered in Different Units

With the release of the Synthesis version, all Synthesis applications now allow you to define conversion factors for entering time values in different units. To give just one simple example, you can now enter test data into a standard folio as hours but then use the QCP to calculate the reliability for a year of operation — the software performs the conversion automatically based on the multipliers specified for the Synthesis repository.

Color-Coding to Facilitate Data Entry

With the Synthesis version, we have introduced new color-coding aids to assist with data entry and management. There is now an immediate color change if you enter data in an incorrect format. For Weibull++ standard folios, you also have the option to color-code data points based on their data type (e.g., failure time vs. suspension) or subset ID.

Take Advantage of Internet Connectivity

One of the many new enhancements in the Synthesis Platform is the ability to take advantage of an active Internet connection to obtain the most up-to-date announcements, documentation and examples. Once you have registered and activated the application on your computer, Internet access is not required — you can still perform all of your analysis activities while working offline — but an Internet connection allows you to take advantage of several useful new features, including: ReliaSoft Online (up-to-date tips and announcements), Reliability Web Notes (context-sensitive access to theoretical background information for the feature you’re currently working with), Help Center (a variety of support tools – including the ability to download software updates and generate an e-mail with the details needed for technical support) and Online Help File (we will always install a static version for the times when you’re working offline, but the Internet version contains all of the latest updates to provide the information users have been looking for).


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