Related Topics:

Maintenance Planning

Control Panels

Maintenance Planning Control Panel

The Maintenance Planning tool's control panel consists of two pages: Analysis page and Settings page.

Analysis Page

The Analysis page contains the options for generating a cost vs. time plot (see Maintenance Planning). The following commands are available on this page.

  Plot updates the plot to reflect any changes that have been made, and recalculates the estimates for the minimal cost and optimal time.

  Plot Setup opens the Plot Setup window, which allows you to customize most aspects of the plot including the titles, line styles and point styles.

  RS Draw launches ReliaSoft Draw, which allows you to annotate your plot and view your plot in greater detail.

  Export Plot Graphic opens the Save As window, which allows you to save the current plot graphic in one of the following formats: *.jpg, *.gif, *.png or *.wmf.

  Select Data Sheet opens a window that allows you to select the data sheet to analyze.

  Create Task opens the Maintenance Task window, which allows you to create a preventive and/or inspection task based on the analysis results for use in BlockSim simulation diagrams. The name of the last created task will appear as a link on the Main page of the control panel, under the Results area. You can click the link to view the task's properties.

Settings Page

The Settings page contains the options for setting how you want the plot to be generated and how you want the optimum time to be computed.


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