Related Topics:

Word Report Templates

Function Wizard Functions

Inserting Tables and Setting Properties

You have the option to insert a table to contain your data and results. The table properties can then be changed to suit your needs.

Note that these user-created tables are different from the table functions that return results in table form (e.g., functions with parameter bounds in Weibull++ or component failure in BlockSim). Table functions are not used in RGA.

Inserting a Table

  1. Place the cursor where you want to insert the table.

  2. Choose Table > Design > Insert Table to open the Insert Table window.


  1. Enter the desired values in the Number of columns and Number of rows fields, then click OK.

Customizing the Table Properties

To open the Table Properties window, choose Table > Design > Properties.

The following properties can be changed:

On the Table tab:

On the Row tab:

On the Column tab:

On the Cell tab:


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