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Spreadsheet Data Source Functions

Function Wizard Functions

Function Wizard


Description: Returns the name of the specified parameter.

Syntax: PARAMNAME(Data_Src, Param_index)

Weibull++ Values


Index 1 Index 2 Index 3 Index 4
Weibull Beta Eta Gamma  
Normal Mean Std    
Lognormal LogMean LogStd    
Exponential Lambda Gamma    
G-Gamma Mu Sigma Lambda  
Gamma Mu K    
Logistic Mu Sigma    
Loglogistic Mu Sigma    
Gumbel Mu Sigma    
Weibull-Bayesian Prior Distribution (see table below) Parameter1 (see table below) Parameter2 (see table below) PstMed / PstMean


  Normal (0) Lognormal (1) Exponential (2) Uniform (3)
Parameter1 Mean LogMean Lambda Min Beta
Parameter2 Std LogStd   Max Beta


ALTA Values

Weibull = Beta

Lognormal = Std

Exponential = None, so every other parameter is shifted down one index

Model Index 1 Index 2 Index 3 Index 4 Index 5 Index 6 Index 7 Index 8 Index 9 Index 10
Arrhenius Shape B C              
Eyring Shape A B              
Inverse Power Law Shape K N              
Temperature-Humidity Shape A B Phi            
Temperature-NonThermal Shape B C n            
Generalized Eyring Shape A B C D          
Proportional Hazards Shape Alpha(0) Alpha(1) Alpha(2) Alpha(3) Alpha(4) Alpha(5) Alpha(6) Alpha(7) Alpha(8)
General Log-Linear Shape Alpha(0) Alpha(1) Alpha(2) Alpha(3) Alpha(4) Alpha(5) Alpha(6) Alpha(7) Alpha(8)
Cumulative Damage Shape Alpha(0) Alpha(1) Alpha(2) Alpha(3) Alpha(4) Alpha(5) Alpha(6) Alpha(7) Alpha(8)




Note that this value will vary depending on the source data set.


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