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Spreadsheet Mathematical Functions

Function Wizard Functions


Description: Searches for a specified value in an array or table, based on the value found in the first row. Use HLOOKUP when your comparison values are located in a row across the top of a table of data and you want to look down a specified number of rows. Use VLOOKUP when your comparison values are located in a column to the left of the data you want to find.

Syntax: HLOOKUP(Lookup_value, Table_array, Row_index_number, [Range_lookup])

The values in the first row of Table_array can be text, numbers, or logical values.

If Range_lookup is TRUE, the values in the first row of Table_array must be placed in ascending order: ...-2, -1, 0, 1, 2,... , A-Z, FALSE, TRUE; otherwise, HLOOKUP may not give the correct value. If Range_lookup is FALSE, Table_array does not need to be sorted.

Uppercase and lowercase text are equivalent.

You can put values in ascending order, left to right, by selecting the values and then choosing Sheet > Sheet Actions > Sort > Custom Sort. In the Sort window, select Columns and then Ascending.



Suppose you have an inventory worksheet of auto parts. A1:A4 contains the following data, respectively: Axles, 4, 5, 6. B1:B4 contains the following data, respectively: Bearings, 4, 7, 8. C1:C4 contains the following data, respectively: Bolts, 9, 10, 11.


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