Find Tool

Most Synthesis applications offer the ability search for (and in some cases, replace) specific text or values in spreadsheets and in certain analysis folios. When applicable, the Find icon will be available on the Ribbon and you can access it by choosing Home > Edit > Find or Find and Replace.

In the Find window, use the search bar to type the text or value you wish to locate. Optional settings that apply to the current sheet may also be displayed and can include any of the following:

Tip: To ensure that all instances of searched for text are replaced (including multiple instances within the same cell), you may need to click Replace All several times.

Searching FMEA Records in Xfmea, RCM++ and RBI

In Xfmea, RCM++ and RBI, the expanded Find utility gives you the flexibility to search for FMEA records within specified projects in the current database. The following picture shows an example of the utility in Xfmea.

The Search area contains drop-down lists that allows you to specify which project, analyses or record properties to search. If you want to search all data in the current project, accept the default All Analyses option. If you want to search in a specific project and/or in a specific analysis or record property, choose different options from the drop-down lists.

Note: For options in drop-down lists (e.g., the Action Category list) or for options in rating scales (e.g., the Initial Severity for effects) you can search for and replace records in the current project only. For example, this capability might be used if you have created a process FMEA with data transferred from an existing design FMEA and you need to update all of the analysis data in the project to match the new settings. In this case, in the design FMEA's Action Category drop-down list, the actions that were assigned to the "Design" group will be handled in the process FMEA by the "Manufacturing" group. To do so, you can use the Find and Replace window to search for all records that have been assigned to the old category (e.g., "Design") and replace with the new category (e.g., "Manufacturing").

The Find area allows you to specify the text, date or number that you want to search for. The first drop-down list allows you to choose the type of data (i.e., text, date or number) and the second drop-down list displays the options that will determine a match. When you are searching for text, you can select or clear the CaSe SeNsiTiVe check box to determine whether the search will consider the case. For example, if this option is selected, the search term "teXt" will not find "Text" because the case does not match.

Note: You can find fields that have no data in them by choosing is empty in the Find area.

The Replace With area allows you to specify the text, date or number that can be used to replace the existing data for any matches that you select.

After you have made your selections in the Search and Find areas, click the Find button. The Matches Found area will display a list of any records that match your search criteria.

If you want to go to a specific record, select the match and click the Go To button or double-click the match. The project will open with the matching record selected.

If you want to replace the text, date or number with the data that you have specified in the Replace With area, select the match(es) and click the Replace button. To select all matches for replacement, click the check box in the table header. To select individual matches, click the check box in each row.


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