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Introduction to the Synthesis Platform

RGA Features Overview

What's New in the Synthesis Version?

With the release of the Synthesis version, RGA offers a completely updated user interface that has many new and enhanced features. Some of the major additions and enhancements include:

New Synthesis Platform and Centralized Data Storage

RGA analyses are now stored in a centralized database that supports simultaneous access by multiple users and shares relevant information between ReliaSoft’s Synthesis applications.

Redesigned Growth Planning Folio

RGA’s growth planning folio has been redesigned in the Synthesis version. You still have the ability to calculate any of the variables in the reliability growth management strategy (such as the MTBF goal that’s feasible for a given management strategy, or the initial MTBF that’s needed before you start the test program), and quickly generate a graphical plot that shows how the idealized growth curves are planned to improve over each test phase. The new interface now makes it easier to view and make adjustments to your inputs to find the most effective reliability growth testing plan. The utility can now support up to 10 phases, and includes an integrated QCP for quick access to specific results based on a particular test plan.

Redesigned Test Design Tool

RGA’s test design tool, which uses the non-homogeneous Poisson process (NHPP) to design a test that is suitable for a repairable system, has been completely redesigned and expanded in the Synthesis version. The new interface uses terminology that is more familiar to real-world practice, and stores the analysis in a folio for future reference.

Redesigned Quick Calculation Pad (QCP)

The QCP has been updated and redesigned in the Synthesis version. The new interface provides a "Calculation Log" that works like a paper roll in an adding machine, allowing you to record the results from a series of different calculations and then copy/paste the results as needed.

New Mode Processing Feature

For data sets analyzed with the Crow Extended or Crow Extended – Continuous Evaluation model, the new Mode Processing feature makes it much easier to extract the first failure time for each unique BC mode and/or unique BD mode in a data set. This allows you to automatically copy the failure times for a particular failure mode classification into a new data sheet for separate analysis.

Useful Plot Enhancements

The new version offers several enhancements to the information displayed on graphical plots, including:

Significance Level for Statistical Tests

For your convenience, the Synthesis version makes it easier to set the significance level for the statistical tests that are displayed in analysis results. In addition to changing this value from the Application Setup, you now have the option to change it on-the-fly from the Analysis page in the standard folio control panel.

Introducing Word Report Templates

RGA continues to offer built-in spreadsheets (similar to Microsoft Excel) that can be used for custom analysis and reporting (called General Spreadsheets and Analysis Workbooks). Now in the Synthesis version, RGA also offers the Word Report Templates, a custom reporting tool that has functionality similar to Microsoft Word. All three tools allow you to automatically insert calculated results from selected data sheets. With the new Word Report Templates, you can also insert tables and plots that are built automatically based on your specifications and the currently selected data source.

Automatic Conversion for Time Values Entered in Different Units

With integration into the Synthesis Platform, RGA now allows you to define conversion factors for entering time values in different units. To give just one simple example, you can now enter test data into a standard folio as hours but then use the QCP to calculate the MTBF for a year of operation — the software performs the conversion automatically based on the multipliers specified within the database.

Enhanced, Easy-to-Use Interface with Internet Connectivity

Like all Synthesis applications, RGA offers a completely updated user interface with an "Office 2010" look and feel, and many usability enhancements. Some of the most useful new features include the ability to check-in/check-out portions of the analysis, restore points that allow you to roll back to a previous stage in the analysis, and more flexible tools to organize and manage analysis projects.

Whenever possible, the new interface also takes advantage of an active Internet connection to deliver the most up-to-date announcements, documentation and theoretical resources. For example:


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