Related Topics and Links:

Plot Setup

Plot Defaults Window

Plot Setup: Grid Page

The Grid page allows you to customize the color, style and thickness of the grid lines and to set the number of axis divisions used. This page is not available when you are working with a pie chart.

The options on this page will vary depending on the plot style you are working with. All available options are presented below.

Note: When you are working with a bar chart, the Grid page will contain settings for only the axis representing the dependent variable. This is affected by the orientation of your bar chart; if you are using vertical bars, this area will contain settings for the y-axis, and if you are using horizontal bars, it will contain settings for the x-axis. It is important to be aware that the settings for one axis will not transfer to the other axis when you change the bar orientation. You will need to return to this page and reenter the settings.


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