Home > Working in Synthesis > RDW and Dashboard > RDW Interfaces: Configuration and Data Filtering Tools
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In both the XFRACAS to RDW interface and the RDW to Folio window, you can configure the interface appearance and filter the data sets in numerous ways. Many of these tools are shared between the two interfaces.
To configure the appearance of the interface:
To change the order of the columns, click a column name and drag the column to the desired location.
To resize columns, you can:
Drag the edge of a column header to the desired position.
To automatically resize a column to fit the data, double-click the edge of the column header or right-click the column header and choose Best Fit on the shortcut menu.
To resize all columns in the table to fit the data that they contain, right click a column header and choose Best Fit (all columns).
To hide or show columns, right-click any column header and choose Show Column Chooser on the shortcut menu. You can then click the header of any column and drag it into the Column Chooser to hide it from the data set. To show additional columns, drag them from the Column Chooser to the desired location.
To sort the data set by a column, click the column name. The sort direction is indicated by an arrow beside the column name; click again to reverse the direction of the sort. Note that in the XFRACAS to RDW interface, the data will be sorted by the specified field at each level of the hierarchy.
In the RDW to Folio window, you can group the data set by one or more columns.
To quickly group the data set by one column, right-click the column header and choose Group By This Column.
To perform more advanced grouping, choose Additional Options > Show Group By Box. The Group By box will be displayed above the table. To group by a column, click the column name and drag it into the Group By box. You can drag multiple columns into the Group By box; the order in which they appear determines the way the records are sorted, and you can drag them within the Group By box to reorder them. Note that each column name in the Group By box has an arrow indicating the direction of the sort; you can click the column name to reverse the direction.
To filter the data set:
The Auto Filter row appears by default immediately below the column headers. Enter text in any cell in this row to display only those rows that contain matching text in that field. You can toggle the Auto Filter row between shown and hidden by right-clicking any column header and choosing Show Auto Filter Row.
In the XFRACAS to RDW interface, click the Search icon on the control panel to open the Search window.
On the Find tab of the Search window, you can specify text to search for, which column to search for the text in and whether the text should be located only at the start of the field or anywhere within the field. The Query tab allows you to search for multiple text strings in a given column by entering each text string and then adding it to the Criteria list.
In the RDW to Folio window, the Find panel allows you to search for text within the data currently displayed in the table. Choose Additional Options > Show Find Panel or right-click any column header and choose the command to display the panel. Enter text in the field and click Find to filter the data displayed in the table. You can click Clear to remove the filter. To close the panel, click the X or clear the command.
You can also use the Advanced Filters functionality, which is always enabled for these interfaces.
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