Related Topics:

Import, Export and Data Conversion

Import from XFRACAS

The Import Hierarchy Items from XFRACAS window allows you to import system hierarchy items from XFRACAS into the current project. This functionality is available only when you are working in a database that has associated XFRACAS tables.

To access the Import Hierarchy Items from XFRACAS window, choose System Hierarchy > XFRACAS > Import Hierarchy Items.

In the Select Entity area, specify the entity within the XFRACAS system that you want to import from. You can sort the list of entities by clicking the column header; click again to reverse the direction of the sort.

In the Select Parts area, select the check box for each system, subsystem and/or component that you want to include in the import. You can also select or clear the check box in the header to select or clear all of the check boxes in this area. If you want to import any failures and causes (called "failure modes" and "root causes" in XFRACAS) associated with the items, select the Import associated failures and causes check box at the bottom of the window.

Click OK to import the selected items.

Note: Each topmost item that you import will be added to the system hierarchy as a top level item, regardless of whether it was originally at the "system" level in XFRACAS.

If you are working in an enterprise database, the imported items maintain an association with the items within XFRACAS. This is indicated by the icon in the XFRACAS Associated Hierarchy Item column in the System Hierarchy tab of the System panel (if that column has been selected for display on your computer). To hide or display columns, right-click the column headers in the System panel, then click Customize Columns to select which columns you want to display. These settings are stored per computer/username in the System Hierarchy page of the Application Setup, so any project that you open on this computer will have the same columns displayed.

You can remove the association between the imported items and the XFRACAS hierarchy by selecting the top level imported item and choosing System Hierarchy > XFRACAS > Remove Association. You can also create an association between an item in the RCM++ system hierarchy and an item in XFRACAS, provided the item in RCM++ is not already associated with an XFRACAS item and is not a child of an item with an existing association. To do this, select the item in RCM++ and choose System Hierarchy > XFRACAS > Associate Item. The Associate Current Item with an XFRACAS Hierarchy Item window will appear.

Future changes made to the associated items and/or their failures and causes in XFRACAS will not be reflected in RCM++ unless and until you manually sync the data.

Select the check box for each failure and/or cause that you want to import or re-import. If you select a cause, the associated failure will automatically be selected. You can also select or clear the check box in the header to select or clear all of the check boxes in this area. Click OK to import the new records. The default effect added for imported causes is "<Undefined>." You can edit these as needed after import.

Any functions or failures that exist in RCM++ and not in XFRACAS will be unaffected.

Syncing failures and causes applies only to the selected item, not to its associated items.

IMPORTANT: Associations between items in RCM++ and XFRACAS can be maintained only within enterprise databases, where the XFRACAS tables are located within the same repository as the RCM++ data. If you are working in a standard database and have set up a connection to XFRACAS tables via the XFRACAS Connection window, data that you import will no longer be associated with the XFRACAS data. You can, however, still use the Import Failures command to synch failures and causes, as this is performed via a text-based comparison.

For items that have an association with XFRACAS, the Observed Occurrences column in the FMEA hierarchy view displays the number of occurrences, as recorded in XFRACAS, of the failure mode/cause combination for the current system hierarchy item. To hide or display columns, right-click the column headers in the FMEA hierarchy view, then click Customize Columns to select which columns you want to display. These settings are stored per computer/username in the FMEA Hierarchy page of the Application Setup, so any project that you open on this computer will have the same columns displayed. The values in the Observed Occurrences column may be drawn from XFRACAS incidents, problems or failure analyses, depending on your selection on the FMEA Hierarchy page of the Application Setup.


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