Home > Working in Synthesis > Templates Manager
The Templates Manager allows a user to manage the configurable templates that can be used for customized reports, saved queries or importing/exporting data via Excel. If a standard database (*.rsrp) is currently open, you will be managing the templates in the Standard templates file (*.xrt8) that is currently active for your computer. If an enterprise database (SQL Server or Oracle) is currently open, you will be managing the templates stored within the Enterprise database itself.
To open the utility, choose File > Manage Repository > Templates Manager.
The utility has three tabs, one for report templates, one for query templates and another for import/export templates.
To work with a template, do the following:
To add a new template, click the Add button.
To edit one of the templates, double-click the template or select the template and click the Edit button.
To delete a template, select the row and click the Delete button or press DELETE. There is no undo for delete.
To import a template, click the Import button to open the Import Templates window, which is described below.
When a standard database (*.rsrp) is currently open, the Reset Templates button will be displayed at the bottom of the window. This button resets the templates file to the default file that is shipped with the software (XRUT.xrt8). This will not replace whatever file currently exists. Rather, it will create a new Standard templates file in the ReliaSoft folder under My Documents on your computer (e.g., My Documents\ReliaSoft\Common). If a file with the name XRUT.xrt8 already exists in this location, then the new filename will have an increment at the end (e.g., XRUT1.xrt8).
The Import Templates window is accessed by clicking the Import button on the Templates Manager. It allows you to import templates from another templates file (*.xrt8) or enterprise database.
In the Template Files to Import From field do one of the following:
Select the Standard template *.xrt8 file that the templates will be imported from.
Select the Enterprise database *.rserp file that the templates will be imported from.
The table in the window displays a list of the templates that have been defined in the selected file or database. Select the templates that you want to import. You can select or clear the check box in the Name column header to select or clear all of the templates. Click OK to start the import.
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