
Home > Working in Synthesis > Security > Reset “In Use” Flags

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Simultaneous Access by Multiple Users

Reset “In Use” Flags

Because Synthesis repositories allow simultaneous access by multiple users, it is necessary to store “in use” flags within the database to indicate when a particular portion of the analysis is currently being edited by a particular user. There are some circumstances when these flags might not be reset correctly when a user stops editing an analysis (e.g., if there is a network interruption or if the software closes unexpectedly). If that occurs, then the analysis will be locked for editing because the software receives an erroneous indication that it is still in use by another user.

To correct the problem, it is necessary to reset some or all of the “in use” flags within the database. To do this, you will need to have the "Manage users and logins" permission.

To reset the flags, choose File > Manage Repository > Reset ‘In Use’ Flags.

This opens the Reset 'In Use' Flags window, which shows all users who have an account in the database. (If you are working in a non-secure database, any user who has ever opened the database will have an account created automatically and will be shown in this list.) A status light is displayed for each user; if it is "lit up" (i.e., green), the user is currently logged in to the database. In addition, the Connections column shows the Synthesis-enabled applications that the user currently has connected to the database. You can select the check box for each user for whom you want to reset "in use" flags, then click OK to reset the flags.

IMPORTANT: It is important to make sure that no selected user is currently logged in to the database when you use this command.


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