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The Report Customization/Settings window allows you to establish your preferences for configurable reporting options, such as the logo to be displayed in report documents, the font style and size, etc.
To open the utility, click the Settings button in the Reports window.
Report Font, Header Font and Footer Font allow you to select the font and size for the text in the body, header and footer of the reports that you generate from your computer. Please note that there are specific limitations for some fonts and sizes, as discussed below.
Logo for Printed Reports allows you to specify the logo, if any, to appear on the printed reports.
Select Logo allows you to import a graphic for the printed reports. A preview of the selected graphic will be displayed to the right of the command buttons. The available formats are *.bmp, *dib, *.gif, *.jpg, *.wmf, *.emf, *.ico and *.cur.
No Report Logo displays no logo on the printed report.
Default Logo displays the default RCM++ graphic that was shipped with the application on the printed reports.
Paper Size for Reports allows you to specify whether the Word and Excel documents for printed reports will be configured for U.S. Letter or A4-sized paper.
Action Details Report Options
Set orientation to portrait will print the report in portrait orientation (top edge along the short side of the page). If this option is not selected, the report will be printed in landscape orientation (top edge along the long side of the page).
Include full FMEA record properties will include any other enabled properties for the associated Function, Failure, Effect and Cause records in the report. For example, if the analysis uses three levels of effects (according to the interface style), then all three fields will be included in the report. If this option is not selected, then only the required description will be displayed for each of these records.
Display FMEA spreadsheet column headers on every page for Excel reports: Repeats the rows up to and including the column headers on every page of FMEA spreadsheet reports generated in Excel.
Repeat data in spreadsheet reports: Each row in the FMEA Spreadsheet report will contain all FMEA information related to that row, even if some of the information is repeated from the row above and would otherwise have been "merged" within the table. For example, if there are two causes for the same failure, then the report will display the same function, failure and effect data in both rows. This option is useful if, for instance, you need to be able to sort the rows in the generated report or if you need to copy a single line of the report for external use.
Merge cells in spreadsheet reports: The blank cells below a record in a column will be merged with that cell. For example, if there are two failures for the same function, the blank cell below the function, in the row containing the second failure, will be merged with the cell containing the function.
Set generated report files as read-only: The Word and Excel documents for printed reports will be set to "Read-only" on the General page of the document Properties window.
Show Priority Colors: The FMEA records will be highlighted based on the priority categories specified in the interface style defined for the project.
Use letters to identify failures and causes in RCM reports: RCM reports will use letters to identify failures and causes. If selected, the software will use letters only for the first 26 failures or causes and then revert to numbers.
Footer for Printed Reports allows you to specify the text displayed in the footer of all reports.
Although the grid used in the Report Customization/Settings window has been designed to match as closely as possible with the report output in Microsoft Excel, there are some differences in the way the two applications handle very small font sizes that may result in minor inconsistencies between the column headings as shown in the Customization grid and the report as displayed in Excel. For example, if you choose to generate reports in 7 pt Arial (from the Settings page of the Report Customization/Settings window), column heading text will not be displayed as bold in the report customization grid, while the column heading text will be bold in the Excel report. To ensure adequate width for the column headings in your report, you could temporarily change the font from Arial 7 pt to a font that can be rendered bold in the grid, even at the 7 pt font size. For example, you could temporarily set the font to Tahoma 7 pt, adjust the column widths as needed and then set the font back to Arial 7 pt.
In addition, please note that the software allows you to select the font size as small as 6 pt even though Excel may be unable to properly render certain fonts at sizes that small. This limitation tends to apply to more ornate fonts (e.g., Lucida Calligraphy). If you encounter a situation where the report generated by the software does not display in the font that you have selected, it is recommended to increase the font size to 8 pt or higher and generate the report again.
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