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Report Customization/Settings Window

The Report Customization/Settings window allows you to establish your preferences for configurable reporting options, such as the logo to be displayed in report documents, the font style and size, etc.

To open the utility, click the Settings button in the Reports window.

Font Size and Style Considerations

Although the grid used in the Report Customization/Settings window has been designed to match as closely as possible with the report output in Microsoft Excel, there are some differences in the way the two applications handle very small font sizes that may result in minor inconsistencies between the column headings as shown in the Customization grid and the report as displayed in Excel. For example, if you choose to generate reports in 7 pt Arial (from the Settings page of the Report Customization/Settings window), column heading text will not be displayed as bold in the report customization grid, while the column heading text will be bold in the Excel report. To ensure adequate width for the column headings in your report, you could temporarily change the font from Arial 7 pt to a font that can be rendered bold in the grid, even at the 7 pt font size. For example, you could temporarily set the font to Tahoma 7 pt, adjust the column widths as needed and then set the font back to Arial 7 pt.

In addition, please note that the software allows you to select the font size as small as 6 pt even though Excel may be unable to properly render certain fonts at sizes that small. This limitation tends to apply to more ornate fonts (e.g., Lucida Calligraphy). If you encounter a situation where the report generated by the software does not display in the font that you have selected, it is recommended to increase the font size to 8 pt or higher and generate the report again.


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