
Home > Working in Synthesis > Synthesis Repositories > Managing Repositories > Global Identifiers

Global Identifiers

Identifiers are user-defined fields that can be used to search for certain types of records within the current project. The names of the identifiers are defined at the database level; these identifiers will be used in all projects throughout the database unless different settings are specified at the project level.

The Global Identifiers window, accessed by choosing File > Manage Repository > Global Identifiers, is used to define the identifiers at the database level.

For each type of record, six identifiers are available: five "user-defined fields" (UDFs) and one comments field. Outside of this window (e.g., in properties windows, the Resource Manager, filters, etc.), these fields are known by the display names defined within this window. By default, the fields have the following display names:

Not all of the identifier sets are applicable for all Synthesis-enabled applications. For example, blocks are used only in BlockSim and tasks are used only in BlockSim and RCM++. The affected applications are listed in parentheses for each identifier set.

To change the display name for a field, click the relevant cell in the Property Display Name column. When you are finished making changes to the cell, click outside the cell to accept the changes. Display names can be up to 60 characters long. The identifier fields themselves can contain up to 1,000 characters.

The changes that you make here will apply to all new projects added to the database. If the database already contains projects, your changes will not affect the existing projects unless you select the Apply to existing projects option at the bottom of the window.

Tip: You can change identifiers at the project level on the Global Identifiers tab of the Project Properties window, which is accessed by choosing Project > Management > Edit Project Properties.

Selecting Set as default for new databases at the bottom of the window will save the settings that are currently displayed in the window as the default for all new standard databases that you create on your computer. If this check box is not selected, the default names given above (Name, Number, Version, etc.) will be used for new databases. This option is not applicable if you are working with an enterprise database.


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