
Home > Design for Reliability (DFR) Planner > DFR Planner Hierarchy View

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Design for Reliability (DFR) Planner

DFR Planner Plot View

DFR Planner Hierarchy View

The DFR planner's hierarchy view uses gates and actions arranged in a tree-based configuration to represent the stages of a DFR process. For example, the configuration of the five gates shown below represents the design stage of an item, which consists of six activities.


Certain properties (e.g., status and due dates) of higher-level gates are determined by the properties of their dependents. For example, if all six dependents in the above example were marked as complete, then the Design gate would automatically be marked as complete. In this way, the tool monitors how the progress of individual activities relates to the completion of the entire DFR process.

The DFR planner also allows you to link corrective actions to gates. Actions are used to track activities intended to help reduce the risk associated with potential failures. Certain properties of actions (e.g., due dates) will also determine the properties of their associated gates. (See DFR Planner Logic for an explanation of the logic that determines how the properties of higher-level gates are determined.)

If you wish to only view the gates for the DFR process associated with the item selected in the system hierarchy, click Selected item only near the top of the DFR planner. Click Selected item and dependents if you wish to view the gates for all DFR processes associated with the selected item and its sub-items.

Available Columns

Certain properties for each gate/action are displayed in the planner's columns. To hide or display columns, right-click the column headers in the DFR planner, then click Customize Columns to open a window and select which columns you want to display. These settings are stored per computer/username on the DFR page of the Application Setup, so any project that you open on this computer will have the same columns displayed.

Note: Unlike the analysis worksheets (e.g., the FMEA worksheet), the order of the columns in the DFR planner is specific to particular users on particular computers. To shift a column left or right, drag its column header to the desired location.

The following columns can be displayed:


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