
Home > Working in Synthesis > Synthesis Repositories > Standard & Enterprise Databases > Create New Standard Database

Related Topics:

Opening an Existing Standard Database

Creating a New Enterprise Database

Creating a New Standard Database

To create a new standard database, choose File > New > Create a new standard repository.

In the Repository name field, specify the filename for the new *.rsrp file. The path where the file will be saved is shown below this field; to change the location, click the browse icon in the field.

The following options are available when you create a new standard database:

Note: If you create a non-secure database, you can enable security later by choosing File > Manage Repository > Authorized Users and then clicking the Apply Login Security button. You cannot automatically remove security from a database once it has been enabled. However, you can create a new non-secure database and use the Import from existing repository check box to automatically import all of the data from the secure database to the non-secure one.

An additional option is also available:

When you create a new repository, at least one project is automatically created as part of the process. Specifically:


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