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Synthesis Workbook Wizard

Spreadsheet Module

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Word Processing Module

The word processing module in Synthesis Workbooks offers custom reporting functionality that is similar to a Microsoft Word document. You may prefer to use this tool if you want to have a more polished, professional looking report.

This module has two tabs located at the bottom of the window: Design and Review. Use the Design tab to add text, functions and plot holders. Use the Review tab to see the results before you generate the final report.

To export the report to Microsoft Word, choose Send to Word.


Using the Function Wizard

To use the Function Wizard to build and insert functions that utilize a referenced analysis (data source), choose Home > Report > Function Wizard. (See Function Wizard - Data Sources.)

Using the Plot Wizard

To use the Plot Wizard to generate a variety of plots based on a referenced analysis, choose Home > Report > Plot Wizard. These are the same types of plots that are generated in an analysis folio or diagram plot sheets. (See Plot Wizard.)

Using Spreadsheet References

To reference cells from the spreadsheet module (within the same workbook), choose Home > Report > Spreadsheet Reference and select the desired cells. The link between the word processing and spreadsheet modules is dynamic; when data in the spreadsheet is changed, the word processing module is automatically updated. (See Spreadsheet References.)


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