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Project Planner

View Tab

The View tab in the Project Planner ribbon contains the following commands.


  Color Code Deltas applies highlight colors to any “Delta Values” columns for dates or durations that are displayed in the project plan hierarchy (e.g., the difference between the planned duration and the actual duration, or between the expected completion date and the actual completion date). Highlights are applied on a gradient from blue (ahead of schedule) to red (significant delay).

  Fit All Columns automatically resizes all columns to fit their own data.


  Customize Columns allows you to hide or display specific columns in the plan hierarchy.

  Save View and Apply View create or apply a view that stores your preferences for which columns to display in the plan hierarchy and which colors to use for gates, actions, timelines and utilizations. Each view is saved per computer/username.

  Set Colors allows you to select the colors to use for gates, actions, timelines and utilizations.


  Normal Zoom sets the degree of magnification to 100%

  Zoom In and Zoom Out increase or decrease the font size by 25% increments.

  Custom Zoom allows you to specify the zoom percentage.


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