
Home > Synthesis Data Warehouse > Transferring from the SDW to an Analysis Folio

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Synthesis Data Warehouse (SDW)

Transferring from the SDW to an Analysis Folio

Follow the steps below to transfer a data set from the Synthesis Data Warehouse (SDW) to a Weibull++, ALTA or RGA analysis folio.

  1. In Weibull++, ALTA or RGA, choose Home > Synthesis > Synthesis Data Warehouse.

  1. In the SDW, double-click the data you want to transfer to an analysis folio.

  2. In the data table, use the Include in Analysis? column to mark any data points that need to be excluded from the transfer. You can double-click the cell to toggle the options, or select the row and choose Build Data Set > Include or Exclude.

    In data collections imported from XFRACAS:

  3. Choose Transfer > Transfer to New Folio.

    Follow the on-screen prompts to select the data type and map the SDW fields to columns in the new analysis folio.

Tips for Mapping the Columns


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