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Project Plan Hierarchy

In the Project Planner, the plan consists of gates arranged in a tree-based hierarchy to represent the different phases of a process. You can also include action resources that represent specific assignments that need to be performed. For example, the configuration below shows a plan with five top-level gates (Concept Phase, Design Phase, etc.), where each gate has its own sub-gates and actions.

Certain properties of higher-level gates (e.g., status and dates) are determined by the properties of their dependent gates and actions. For example, the "Concept Phase" above has two direct dependents. If these are marked as complete, then "Concept Phase" is automatically marked complete. (See Gates in the Project Plan for details on how gates inherit their properties.)

In this way, the planner makes it easy for you to monitor how the progress of individual activities relates to the completion of the entire process.

Project Planner Columns

To hide or display Project Planner columns, right-click the column headings then click Customize Columns. (You can also change the column order by dragging and dropping column headings into the desired positions.) These settings are stored per computer/username. Any project that you open on this computer will have the same columns displayed, but other users may have different display preferences.


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