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The following fields are available for use in dashboard layouts for XFRACAS data collections and for data sets created via the Synthesis API. These are the same columns available in the Build Data Set tab. The fields in custom connections will depend on the data source itself.
Address Location: the location of the owner of the system. This corresponds to the Location field in the XFRACAS contact.
Category: the incident category. This corresponds to the Category field in the XFRACAS incident and, in conjunction with the failure type assigned during part repair/replacement, determines whether the data row is chargeable (i.e., is considered a failure for reliability calculations) or non-chargeable (i.e., is considered a suspension). For more information, see the “Incident Disposition Area” topic in the XFRACAS documentation.
Chargeable: the chargeable code value (where 0 = non-chargeable, 1 = chargeable): equivalent to the Category Chargeable and Category Non-Chargeable lists in the XFRACAS Admin List page. This is to be used to calculate the failure state (StateFS). XFRACAS categories can also be viewed within an XFRACAS incident.
CompanyOwner: the owner of the system. This corresponds to the Company field in the XFRACAS contact.
DataID: the database ID of the row.
DataSetID: the ID of the data set that the row belongs to. This is useful if you are viewing multiple data sets at the same time.
DateUDF1-3: user-defined fields for dates. You can choose up to 3 detail fields in XFRACAS incidents to import to these columns.
ExtractedBy, ExtractedDate and ExtractedName: identify the user who extracted the data from XFRACAS, the date of extraction and the name of the SDW data collection.
FailureMode: the failure mode associated with the incident. This is chosen or created in the Failure Mode field in the XFRACAS incident.
IncidentAction: the action taken to address the incident (whether a part was removed or installed). This is not related to XFRACAS actions. In XFRACAS data sets, repaired and replaced parts will be represented using two rows of data—one will be for removing the part, and one for installing it.
IncidentEntityDisplayID: the incident number assigned by XFRACAS, which includes the prefix for the entity that it is associated with (e.g., E1-201).
IncidentID: the database ID of the incident.
IncidentOccurrenceDate: the date when the incident happened. This corresponds to the Occurrence Date field in the XFRACAS incident.
IncidentRepairDate: the date that part repair or replacement was completed. This corresponds to the Completed Date field that applies to the XFRACAS incident resolution.
IncidentResolution: notes regarding the resolution of the incident. This corresponds to the Incident Resolution field in the XFRACAS incident.
IsLRU: indicates whether the item is a line replaceable unit (LRU). This does not correspond to an XFRACAS field; it can be used when creating data sets via the Synthesis API.
LastInspectedTime: the last inspected time. For exporting XFRACAS data sets to Weibull++, this is equal to the state time for the data row. For exporting XFRACAS data sets to RGA, it is the amount of time the system has accrued at the last reported incident.
NumberInState: equivalent to the Number in State column in a Weibull++ life data folio for grouped data. In data sets from XFRACAS, this value will always be 1.
NumberUDF1-3: user-defined fields for numbers. You can choose up to 3 detail fields in XFRACAS incidents to import to these columns.
ParentPartID, ParentPartName, ParentPartNumber and ParentPartVersion: identifiers for the "parent" of the part that the incident pertains to. If the part doesn't have a parent (i.e., it is a top level part), this information will be identical to the information for the part itself.
PartHID and PartID: the part’s hierarchy identification number and database identification number. In XFRACAS, these are assigned by the system and shown in the HID and Part ID fields that are displayed for the generic part on the Template page.
PartName, PartNumber and PartVersion: identifiers for the part that the incident pertains to. In XFRACAS, this information is specified for the generic part, and serialized parts based on the generic part will use the same information.
PartOrder: the order in which the part was replaced. This corresponds to the order in the repair/replace table in the XFRACAS incident.
PartSerialHID, PartSerialMfgCode and PartSerialNumber: relevant only if the incident was assigned to a part in a serialized system. They represent the part’s serial hierarchy identification number, manufacturing code and serial number. In XFRACAS, the PartSerialHID is assigned by the system and shown in the Serial HID field that is displayed for the serialized part on the Serialized page.
ReportType: how the incident was reported. This corresponds to the type chosen in the Report Type field in the XFRACAS incident.
RootCause: the root cause of the failure mode. This is chosen or created in the Root Cause field in the XFRACAS incident.
StateFS: This allows the user to understand if a data row is considered a failure (F) or a suspension (S) for the purposes of reliability calculations. In XFRACAS data sets, this is based on the incident category assigned in the XFRACAS incident, in conjunction with the failure type assigned during part repair/replacement. For more information, see the “Incident Disposition Area” topic in the XFRACAS documentation.
StateTime: the amount of time accrued on the part. This is based on the run hours calculated by XFRACAS.
StateTimeRestore: the amount of time required for the repair. This corresponds to the Repair Duration field in the XFRACAS incident.
StringUDF1-3: user-defined fields for strings. You can choose up to 3 detail fields in XFRACAS incidents to import to these columns.
TimeMetric: the time metric to use for the data. The options are based on the metrics that have been enabled for the XFRACAS entity.
TopLevelCommissionDate: the commission date of the top level part in the system. This corresponds to the commission date of the associated CSI in XFRACAS.
TopLevelPartID, TopLevelPartName, TopLevelPartNumber and TopLevelPartVersion: identifiers for the top level part in the system that the incident pertains to.
TopLevelSerialHID and TopLevelSerialNumber: relevant only if the incident was assigned to a part in a serialized system. They represent the serial hierarchy identification number and serial number of the top level part in the serialized system. This information is used by RGA and Weibull++ to distinguish the system in which the failure occurred.
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