
Home > Synthesis Dashboards > Dashboard Layout Designer > Filtering > Configuring a Master Filter

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Using Master Filters

Dashboard Layout Designer

Configuring a Dashboard Item

Configuring a Master Filter

A master filter can be used to filter data across the entire dashboard. Grids, pies, charts, gauges, cards and maps dashboard items can be used as master filters.

There are two types of master filters that can be configured:

For example, suppose your layout contains a grid, a chart and a pie, and the grid is configured as the multiple master filter. When you select items in the grid, only the data for those items will display in the chart and pie.

Configuring a Master Filter

In the Dashboard Layout Designer window, select the dashboard item, then enable the master filtering by choosing Data > Interactivity > [Single Master Filter/Multiple Master Filter]. This command is a toggle; choose the command again to disable it.


When any user views this layout in the Dashboard Viewer, he/she can use the filter to view only the data of interest. (See Using Master Filters.)

Note that you can prevent a specific dashboard item from being affected by master filters, by selecting it in the Layout panel and then choosing Data > Interactivity settings > Ignore Master Filters. This command is a toggle; choose the command again to disable it.


Tip: To make it easy to identify that a dashboard item is configured for filtering in the Dashboard Viewer, display the item's caption bar (Design > Common > Show Caption).


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