In MPC, the Templates Manager allows you to manage the configurable templates for customized reports or saved queries. If you are working with an enterprise database, the templates will be stored directly within the enterprise database, and therefore the same custom report forms and queries will be available to all database users (if the creator selected the Show to all repository users check box when creating the template).
If you are working with a standard database or Synthesis file (*.rsr11 or *.rsf11), the templates will be stored in the standalone template file (*.mprt11) that is currently active on your computer. If multiple users need to share the same custom report forms, you can store this file in a shared network location that is accessible to all users. Each person can use the address bar at the top of the Templates Manager window to specify which *.mprt11 file is currently active for his/her computer.
To open the utility click Templates Manger in either the Custom Reports window or the Select Existing Query window.
The utility has two tabs: one for report templates and one for query templates.
When you are using a standalone template file, you can use the Reset Templates button if you want to restore a copy of the original MPRUT.mprt11 file that was installed with the software.
This action will not override any custom report templates that you might have created in the original MPRUT.mprt11 file. Rather it will create a new standard templates file in the ReliaSoft folder under My Documents on your computer (e.g., C:\Users\<your USERNAME>\My Documents\ReliaSoft\MPC11). If a file with the same name already exists in this location, then the new filename will have an increment at the end (e.g., MPRUT1.mprt11).
To import existing templates, select the tab for the type of template you want to import (Report or Query) and then click the Import button.
In the Import Templates window, select the Standard template (*.mprt11) or enterprise database (*.rserp) that the template will be imported from.
The table displays a list of the templates that have been defined in the selected file or database. Select the templates that you want to import, and then click OK to start the import.
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