Related Topics and Links:

Systems and Powerplant Reports

Structural Analysis Reports

Zonal and L/HIRF Analysis Reports

Custom Reports

Maintenance Review Board Reports

For each type of analysis in MPC and MPC Plus, there is a dedicated reporting utility that generates the applicable reports. (See Systems and Powerplant Analysis Reports, Structural Analysis Reports and Zonal and L/HIRF Analysis Reports.)

You can also generate a report that shows all tasks in the project from all three analysis types, along with a list of the affected maintenance significant items, structural significant items and/or zonal significant items in the project. You can also include an attached introduction document, if desired.

To generate the Maintenance Review Board Report, choose Project > Reports > MRBR.

Set the report options:

When you click Generate Report, specify the pathname/filename where the report file will be saved, and then click Save.


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