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Import Predefined Components

Managing Custom Library Files

Using Custom Library Files

Custom library database files provide a flexible way for you to store and easily access the properties for components that you frequently use in your reliability predictions. The following information describes how to add or replace components in an existing library file and how you can use the stored library data while working on a particular analysis. For information about how to create, manage or delete data from your own custom library files, see Managing Custom Library Files.

Adding Components to a Library File

The application uses the prediction standard, component type, name and part number to match items between libraries and prediction folios. Therefore, the Name and Part Number properties must be defined if you wish to add a component to a library.

To add a component to your custom library (or if your user account has the necessary permission to add components to another user's custom library), select the component and choose System Hierarchy > Local Components > Add to Library.

In the Add to Library window, click the Browse button to browse for the library file, and then select which property categories you wish to include (either the physical and general properties only, or all properties). Click OK to add the component to that library.

Note that if the library file already contains a component that has the same part number as the component you are trying to add, a confirmation message will ask whether you want to replace the existing component with the current selection.

Note: It is strongly suggested that you save your component data to your own custom libraries, rather than making additions to the libraries that are installed with Lambda Predict. Personal data entered in the installed libraries will be lost if the software is reinstalled or if the libraries are updated in subsequent releases.

Importing Components from a Library File

You can use the Import Local Components window to find and import components from a selected library file. When you want to use this utility to import from a custom library, do the following:

  1. Select a block (i.e., or ) or standard item (i.e., , , , , or ), and then choose System Hierarchy > Local Components > Import Local Components.

  2. In the Import Local Components window, select the Library option and browse for the *.lblib9 file that contains the data.

  3. Search for and select the desired components, and then click Add to import the data into the current prediction folio. Note that only the components in the prediction standard you are working with will be considered in the search (e.g., if you are currently working with a MIL-217 prediction, only components from the MIL-217 standard will appear in the search results)

Updating the Properties of Existing Components

You can also update the properties for components that already exist in a prediction folio by matching the name, type and part number against the components that have been predefined in a selected library. Note that updating the properties will overwrite any existing data in those properties and cannot be undone.

To update the properties of all the sub-items under a block (i.e., or ) or standard item (i.e., , , , , or ), select the block/standard item and choose System Hierarchy > Local Components > Update Branch.

To update the properties of a component, select the component and choose System Hierarchy > Local Components > Update Item.

In both cases, you will be asked to browse for the library file from which to import the properties.


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