
Home > Working in Synthesis > RDW and Dashboard > Transferring Data from the Reliability Data Warehouse (RDW) to a Standard Folio

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Importing XFRACAS Data to Weibull++ or RGA

Transferring Data from XFRACAS to the RDW

Transferring Data from the Reliability Data Warehouse (RDW) to a Standard Folio

Once XFRACAS data has been pulled into the RDW, you can extract it to a Weibull++ or RGA standard folio at any time. To do this, choose Project > Synthesis > RDW to Folio.


The RDW to Folio window will appear, with the most recent data set displayed.

In this window, you will specify which data you want to extract and how the values in the data should be entered in the resulting standard folio.

Selecting the Data to Extract

You can work with one or more data sets at a time. Working with multiple data sets may be useful in certain circumstances. For example, if you have extracted an individual data set for each version of a part, you can select all of those data sets in order to analyze all versions together. To change the data set(s) that you are working with, choose Data Set > Select Analytical Data Set.

Choose the desired data set(s) in the Select Analytical Data Set window, then click OK to display the data set(s) in the RDW to Folio window.

Note: You can use the Auto Filter row, which appears immediately below the column headers, to help you find data sets of interest.

Additionally, you can double-click a data set name to rename it, and click the Delete icon to delete the selected data set(s). Each data set is a static record of the XFRACAS data at the moment of data set creation (i.e., the data set will never be updated). Therefore, you may want to ensure that data set names clearly indicate when they were created, and delete old data sets when they are no longer applicable.

Each row in the table represents an incident from XFRACAS and can be extracted as a data point in the resulting data set.  

The Export Status column shows whether each row will be included in the extraction.

By default, incidents that are marked as Invalid or Ignored will be excluded from the extraction. You can manually include such incidents, or manually exclude incidents that were marked as Included by default, by selecting the row(s) and choosing Current Row > Include or Current Row > Exclude (to select multiple rows, hold down the CTRL key while clicking the rows).


If you are uncertain about whether you want to include a particular row in the extraction, you can select the row and choose Current Row > View XFRACAS Incident to open the incident in your web browser. This command is available only if you have permission to view incidents in the current XFRACAS entity.  

You may also find it useful in this process to view a graphical presentation of the current data set(s). To open the Dashboard Viewer for this purpose, choose Dashboard > Dashboard Viewer.

To view only those rows that are included, choose View > Show Only Selected. You can choose this command again to show all records.

Tip: You can configure the appearance of the window and filter the data in the table, as explained in RDW Interfaces: Configuration and Data Filtering Tools.

Specifying the Extraction Settings

You can specify which columns in the data set will be used to populate the Time and Subset ID or Comments columns in the standard folio using the Data Set > Set Time Column, Data Set > Set Subset ID Column 1 and Data Set > Set Subset ID Column 2 commands.


For the Time column, you will choose a single column in the data set. For instance, choosing the State Time column will enter the values from that column in the Time to F or S column in the resulting Weibull++ standard folio or in the Time to Event column in the resulting RGA standard folio.

For each Subset ID column (in Weibull++) or Comments column (in RGA), you can choose one or more columns in the data set to include in the column. If you include information from multiple data set columns in a Subset ID or Comments column, the information will be separated with a dash. For example, choosing the Set Subset ID Column 1 command and choosing the Report Type and Category columns will result in values in the form "Report Type - Category" (e.g., "Field Issue - Component Failure" or "In-House Testing - Installation Issue") in the Subset ID 1 column in the resulting Weibull++ standard folio or in the first Comments column in the resulting RGA standard folio.

Note: All columns will be available for selection, regardless of whether they currently appear in the data table. You can add columns to the data table via the Column Chooser. (See RDW Interfaces: Configuration and Data Filtering Tools.)

Once you have specified the extraction settings, click Extract Selected to extract the "included" incidents from the RDW and create the standard folio.


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