
Home > Prediction Folios > Additional Properties for Generic Blocks > Redundancy

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Defining Item Properties


Lambda Predict makes it easy to explore whether you can meet your MTBF/failure rate target by adding redundancy (i.e., using a reliability-wise parallel configuration). This option is available for standard items (i.e., , , , , or ) and generic blocks .

To use this feature, you must:

The results that consider redundancy will be displayed in the Mission Time, Failure Rate(t) and Unreliability(t) columns in the system hierarchy. (To hide or display the columns in the system hierarchy, right-click the column headers, and then click Customize Columns to select which columns you want to display. These settings are stored per computer/username on the System Hierarchy page of the Application Setup, so any project that you open on this computer will have the same columns displayed.)

For example, the following picture shows the properties and results for two System A assemblies in a parallel (redundant) configuration.


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