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Manage Projects

Private and Public Projects

In Synthesis repositories, there are two types of projects you can create: a private or public project. In a non-secure database, both types of projects are accessible to any user who has access to the database. In a secure database, a private project is accessible only to the project owner and to users with the "Manage all projects" permission. No other user can view or edit the project. On the other hand, public projects may be accessible to any user who has access to the database (depending on the security settings that have been implemented).

In the project list, each type of project is displayed under the appropriate heading, as shown in the following example.

Creating New Private or Public Projects

To add a new project to an existing database, go to the project list, right-click the heading of the desired project type (i.e., private or public), and then choose the Create Project command on the shortcut menu. Alternatively, you can select the heading and choose Project > Management > Create Project.

The Project Properties window opens, allowing you to specify the project name, category, security settings (if applicable) and other settings (see Project Properties).

Changing the Project Type

To change the project type, select the project and choose Project > Security and then select one of the following options:

 Make Private

 Make Public

In addition, you can select multiple projects and change them to private or public projects all at once via the Manage Projects window. In a secure database, only users with the "Manage all projects" permission can access this window.


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