
Home > Plots > Plot Setup > Plot Defaults Window

Plot Defaults Window

Each time you open the Plot Setup window, the changes that you make will apply only to the current plot unless you specify otherwise. To specify settings to be used as defaults for all subsequent plots or to re-apply default settings to the current plot, click the Defaults button to open the Plot Defaults window.

The Plot Defaults window gives you the flexibility to set the default settings for the three main areas of a plot: the plot titles, the plot item settings and the general display areas. You can choose to separately save, load or restore the default settings of each main area or you can set the default settings for all areas at once.

The Plot Defaults window consists of nine pages:

Three Defaults buttons appear on every page of the Plot Defaults window. The scope of their effects differs slightly depending on the page you are working with.

The scope of the Defaults buttons’ effects changes as follows:

Note: The settings affected by the Defaults buttons on the Titles Display, Labels, Legend, Canvas and Grid and Offsets pages include all settings relevant to the section, regardless of whether they are currently available or not. For example, if you have previously specified settings for a pie chart and are now specifying settings for a bar chart, the settings that you created for the pie chart will be saved as defaults when you click Save Defaults and will be applied to subsequent pie charts.


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