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Synthesis Resources

Local and Global Resources

By default, Synthesis resources are local, which means they can be used only within the project in which they were created. For certain types of resources, however, you can set them to be global resources, which are available for any project within the database. This can be done for resources of the following types:

If you make a resource global, any resources assigned to it will become global as well (e.g., if a URD has an assigned model, making that URD global will also make the model global). Similarly, you cannot assign a local resource to a global one. Once a resource is global, you cannot make it local again.

To make a resource global, select it in the Resource Manager and choose Home > Actions > Make Global.

Icons are used in the Resource Manager and in resource wizards to indicate which resources are local and which are global.

Local Resource

Global Resource


Note: When you create a restore point, any global resources used in the project are converted to local resources and stored with the backup.


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