
Home > Prediction Folios > Defining Item Properties > Global Edit

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Defining Item Properties

Global Edit

You can use the Global Edit feature to apply changes to the properties of multiple items all at once. There are two ways to use global edit:

Once you have selected the item(s) you wish to edit, choose Prediction > Component > Global Edit.

In the Global Edit window, select the check box next to each property that you want to edit, and then select or enter the desired setting. Click Apply if you want to save the changes but leave the window open; click OK to save all changes and close the window. If any of the fields contain invalid values, a warning message will appear and the fields in question will be marked with a red X. Point to the X to view the allowable value range, as shown next.

Note that when selecting items to edit:

In the Global Edit window, note the following exceptions:

For the MIL-217 standard

For the MIL-217 and Bellcore/Telcordia standards

For the FIDES standard


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