Home > Working in Synthesis > Repository Settings > Default Name Formats
When you add a resource to a project or add a block to a BlockSim diagram, it is given a default name unless you specify a different name. In all Synthesis applications other than MPC, users with the "Manage other repository settings" permission can specify how these default names are created in the current database via the Define Default Name Formats window, which is accessed by choosing File > Manage Repository > Define Default Names.
The Define Default Name Formats window consists of four tabs. The settings in the last three tabs will be used only for diagrams in BlockSim but they're visible when you open this window from any of the Synthesis applications.
The Resources tab allows you to specify the default name formats for resources.
The RBD tab allows you to specify the default name format for each type of block that you can add to a reliability block diagram in BlockSim. Note that this feature is not applicable for the blocks you create in a Weibull++ or ALTA diagram because those blocks are always named based on the calculated standard folio data sheet that they represent.
The Fault Tree tab allows you to specify the default name format for each type of block (i.e., each type of gate or event) that you can add to a fault tree in BlockSim.
The Phase tab allows you to specify the default name format for each type of block that you can add to a phase diagram in BlockSim.
All tabs work in the same way. Each row of the tab's table represents a type of resource or type of block. For each row:
The Resource Type column displays the type of resource or block. This column cannot be edited.
The Resource Name column displays the default name used for that type of resource or block (e.g., "Model" or "Block"). This will be the name represented by the \N code in the Name Format column described below. For example, if the Name Format for a model is set to \N \S (which is the default), then the default name for the first new model you create in the database will be "Model 1." If you change the Name Format to \T \N \D, then default name for a model that you create in BlockSim at a particular time will be "BKS Model 9/15/2011 2:29:23 PM." Click in the cell to edit the name; click outside the cell to accept your changes.
The Name Format column allows you to specify the total default name format used for that type of resource or block, using the following elements:
\N returns the default name for the resource or block type, as specified in the Resource Name column.
\U returns the name of the user who created the resource or block.
\D returns the date when the resource or block was last modified.
\S adds a sequential number, or increment. For example, if the last URD created was URD 1, the next URD created will use 2 as the sequential number (i.e., URD 2).
\T returns the software tool used to create the resource or block.
\F returns the contents of each of the five identifier fields for the record (i.e., all identifiers except the comments field).
\G returns a summary of the properties of the resource or block.
\I inherits the name of the selected block when a resource is created from the Block Properties window. The default name for the resource type (i.e., \N) is also included. For example, if you create a new URD for Block 1 using the Block Properties window, the URD's name will be "Block 1 URD." When a resource is not created from the Block Properties window, \I returns the same format as \N (e.g., "URD," "URD_2," etc.).
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