
Home > Working in Synthesis > Import, Export and Data Conversion > Importing from Prior Version Files > Converting Xfmea/RCM++ 5 Databases

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Importing from Prior Version Files

Converting Xfmea/RCM++ 5 Databases

You can convert/import data from an Xfmea/RCM++ 5 database into a Synthesis repository. This topic describes:

For information about converting and importing data from an Xfmea/RCM++ 5 library, please consult the "Configurable Settings" chapter in the Xfmea/RCM++/RBI documentation.

Standard Databases (*.rx5)

For Xfmea/RCM++ 5 standard databases, you must convert the entire *.rx5 file to a new Synthesis standard repository. (Later, you can use the Import/Export Projects feature to copy specific projects into an existing database, if desired.)

Do the following:

  1. In the Synthesis version of Xfmea, RCM++ or RBI, choose File > Open Repository.

  2. Select RCM++ 5/Xfmea 5 (*.rx5) from the Files of type drop-down list.

  3. Select the file you wish to convert and click Open.

The application will create a new standard database file in the same directory with the extension *.rsr9; the existing *.rx5 file will remain unchanged.

Enterprise Databases

For Xfmea/RCM++ 5 enterprise databases, you can select which analysis projects and settings you wish to import into a Synthesis enterprise repository that has already been created.

Do the following:

  1. Connect with the enterprise database you want to import into.

  2. Choose File > Manage Repository > Enterprise > Import from Prior Version. (Note that this command is visible only if your user account has Admin permissions in the database.)

  3. In the area at the top of the Import from Version 5 Enterprise Database window, enter the connection information for the Version 5 enterprise database and click Connect.

  4. The table shows all of the data and settings in the original database. Use the check boxes to select which data you wish to import and then click OK to start the transfer.

Note: If you are importing into a SQL Server database, the Create SQL Server login check box will be displayed at the bottom of the window. This is applicable only if you are importing user accounts. For details, see SQL Server Logins or Using Windows Impersonation.

Conversion Assumptions and Tips

When you convert data from an Xfmea/RCM++ 5 database, please consider the following assumptions and tips:

Certain types of information in the Version 5 projects will be converted to resources in the Synthesis version. This includes reliability information (which will be converted to models), controls and actions. In these cases, records that have identical properties will be merged into a single resource. For example, if there were two identical actions in the original project, a single action would be created as a resource in the Synthesis project and used in both locations.

If you are working with secure databases, the access levels and access groups in Version 5 will be converted to security groups in Synthesis. Specifically:

When you convert an existing project from Version 5, the application will add new configurable settings for new features that were added in the Synthesis version. For example, the configurable PFD Worksheet settings will be added to the interface style, the quantitative values will be added to the occurrence rating scale, etc.

It is important to note that these default settings may need to be modified after the conversion. For details, please consult the "Configurable Settings" section in the Xfmea/RCM++/RBI help file.


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