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Sheet Options

You can determine the appearance of the spreadsheet and which options are allowed within it by choosing Sheet > Format and View > More Settings > Sheet Options.


By default, users are able to select and edit cells, work with cell ranges, resize rows and columns, create and edit formulas, and edit the cell contents either directly within the cell or in the data entry bar.

To restrict access:

If you clear...


Selections Prevents users from selecting cells in the spreadsheet.
Fill Range Prevents users from filling a range of cells using the cross-hair that appears on the bottom right corner of the selected cell(s).
Move Range Prevents users from moving a selected range of cells.
Resize Rows and/or Columns Prevents users from resizing the rows and/or columns.
Formula Editing Prevents users from entering or altering any of the formulas in the spreadsheet.
In Cell Editing Prevents users from editing the cell contents directly within the cell. All edits must be applied from the data entry bar.



By default, the gridlines and row/column headings are visible in a spreadsheet, the individual cells display the formula results (rather than the formulas themselves) and the cell borders are not color-coded based on the contents of the cell.

To change any of these attributes:

If you clear...



Hides the gridlines on the spreadsheet.
Column and/or Row Headings Hides the column and/or row headings.


If you select...



Displays the cell formulas instead of the results in the individual cells. For example, you might choose to use this option for convenience while building the formulas and then turn it off again later when you are ready to view the results.

Cell Types

Colors the borders of the cells depending on the contents of the cell using the following scheme:

  • Red: the cell contains a formula

  • Green: the cell contains a value (i.e., number or text)

  • Blue: the cell is blank but formatted

  • No color: the cell is blank and unformatted



To set the number of rows and/or columns in a spreadsheet, enter a value in the appropriate field. The maximum values are shown in the following picture.


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