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Security Options

Planning Your Security Approach

Managing Security Groups

In a secure database, security groups control what users can see and do in the database. By default, the software includes four predefined security groups: Admin, Power, User and View. The Admin group, which has full permissions throughout the database, can neither be deleted nor have its permissions modified. For the other predefined groups, you can edit their permissions or replace them with new groups that fit the specific way the database will be used. As discussed in Planning Your Security Approach, there are two basic approaches you can use:

Creating, Editing or Deleting Security Groups

If you have the "Manage users and logins" permission in the database, you can manage the security groups by choosing File > Manage Repository > Authorized Users.

In the Manage Repository Security window, click the Security tab to display a table of all the security groups that have been created in the database. Use the Add, Edit or Delete buttons below the table to manage the groups.

When you edit a security group, the left side of the Security Group window allows you to choose the permissions, while the right side shows all the users currently assigned to the group, as shown in the following example. Use the Assign or Remove buttons to modify the list of users.

Synthesis Permissions

Here is a summary of all the permissions that can be granted to a particular security group.

Basic permissions throughout repository

These permissions apply throughout the database if they are in any of the security groups that the user belongs to. These permissions do not depend on the security settings for a particular project.

Create and own private projects You can create and own private projects in the database that are accessible only to you and to users with the "Manage all projects" permission.
Create and own public projects You can create and own public projects that other users can view and edit (depending on the project security settings).
Create portal messages You can create and send messages to other users via the Messages page in My Portal.


Basic and advanced permissions at project level

A user can have these permissions in some projects but not others, depending on the project security settings. Regardless of the project security settings, these permissions are always automatically granted to the current project owner and anyone with the "Manage all projects" permission.

Read You can perform tasks that do not modify the data in the project (e.g., view the analysis, calculate metrics in a Quick Calculation Pad, export data, etc.).
Create/edit project items You can create and edit items in a given project, such as folios in Weibull++/ALTA, diagrams in BlockSim, system hierarchy items in Xfmea/RCM++/RBI, and the like.
Create/edit/delete own resources You can create Synthesis resources (e.g., URDs, models, etc.) and edit or delete any existing resources you have created.


Delete project items You can delete any item in a given project (e.g., folios in Weibull++/ALTA, diagrams in BlockSim, system hierarchy items in Xfmea/RCM++/RBI, and the like).
This permission cannot be assigned unless you also have the "Create/edit project items" permission.
Create/edit/delete all resources You can create, edit and delete any local resources in the project (not just the ones that you created).
Set project security You can control who can view and edit a given project. This permission allows you to configure both project security settings and item permissions.
Edit project properties You can use the Project Properties window to edit the name, description, category and other settings of a given project.
Lock or check out project You can:

Create restore points You can utilize restore points for a given project, which are exact replicas of the project at a particular point in time (i.e., backups).
Delete project You can delete a given project.
Manage change logs in Xfmea/RCM++ You can enable and manage change logs within a given project. Change logs can be created for FMEAs and DVP&R analyses in Xfmea, RCM++ and RBI.
Approve change logs in Xfmea/RCM++ You can implement electronic approval tracking for change logs within a given project. Change logs can be created for FMEAs and DVP&R analyses in Xfmea, RCM++ and RBI.


Administrative permissions throughout repository

These permissions apply throughout the database if they are in any of the security groups that the user belongs to. These permissions do not depend on the security settings for a particular project.

Manage all projects You have all the basic and advanced project-level permissions for all projects in the database. This overrides any project security settings and item permissions.
This permission also gives you the ability to change the project owner for any given project and the ability to use the Manage Projects window.
Manage users and logins You can:

Manage e-mail notifications You can:

Manage profiles and templates in Xfmea/RCM++ This permission is available only in enterprise databases. You can:

Manage other repository settings You can:

  • Use the Manage Units window to define the time units available for use in any project within the database.

  • Use the Manage Warranty Units window in Weibull++ to set equivalencies between the time units used throughout the database and the time units used in some warranty folios.

  • Use the Define Default Names window to specify how default names for resources and blocks are created.

  • Use the Task Types window in RCM++ and RBI to map the task types used in RCM++/RBI to the task classes in the universal reliability definition (URD).

  • Use the Global Identifiers window to define the default names for identifier fields that can be used to search for blocks or resources within a given project.

  • Use the Project Categories window to define the categories that can be used for grouping and filtering the projects in the database.

  • Use the Restore Points window to manage restore points, which are exact replicas of the project at a particular point in time (i.e., backups) that can be restored when and if needed.

Approve actions You can review and approve actions, which are Synthesis resources that allow you to track progress made in a project.
Manage all portal messages You can edit or delete all messages you sent and messages addressed to you via the Messages page in My Portal.
Create/edit/delete global resources You can create, edit and delete any global resources in the project (not just the ones that you created). In addition, you can transfer data from XFRACAS to the RDW.
Manage Lambda Predict repository settings You can:

  • Use the Manage FIDES Settings window in Lambda Predict to configure the FIDES-related settings stored in the database. This applies to the FIDES prediction standard only.

  • Use the Manage Custom Derating Standards window in Lambda Predict to create, edit or delete user-defined derating standards stored in the database.

  • Use the MIL-217 Custom Connections window in Lambda Predict to define failure rates for user-defined connectors stored in the database. This applies to the MIL-217 prediction standard only.

Manage dashboard templates You can create and save layouts for use in the Dashboard Viewer in Weibull++, BlockSim and RGA.



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