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Page Setup: Header/Footer Page

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Header/Footer Format Codes

The format codes that can be used for printing headers and footers are presented next.


Format Code Description
&L Left aligns the item.
&C Center aligns the item.
&R Right aligns the item.
&A Prints the sheet name.
&D Prints the current date.
&T Prints the current time.
&P Prints the page number.
(e.g., &P+2)
Prints the page number plus the specified number.
(e.g., &P-2)
Prints the page number minus the specified number.


Prints an ampersand.

&N Prints the total number of pages.
&ZA Prints the name of the application (i.e., DOE++).
&ZC Prints the company name.
&ZU Prints the user name.
&ZP Prints the project name.
&ZF Prints the project file name and location.
&ZI Prints the name of the item (Folio, Plot, etc.).
&ZL Prints the path to the current repository.


By default, text will be centered in the headers/footers unless otherwise specified. Please note that the alignment codes (e.g., &L, &C, &R) restart each format code section. For example, in the format code &L&P &R&ZI, the page number will be left aligned and the sheet name will be right aligned.


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