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Synthesis Plot Utilities

Side-By-Side Plots

Available in Weibull++, ALTA, RGA and DOE++, side-by-side plots give you the ability to display different plots for a single data set all in a single window for easy comparison.

To add a side-by-side plot to a project, choose Insert > Reports and Plots > Side-by-Side Plot.

In the window that appears, select the data sheet you want to plot and click OK to create the plot sheet.

To view a single plot in greater detail, double-click the plot. You can double-click the plot again to return to the side-by-side view.

Choosing Plots to Display

For overlay plots in DOE++, you simply select the check box for each type of plot you want to include. For Weibull++/ALTA and RGA, there are two options:


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