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Quick Parameter Estimator (QPE)

Quick Parameter Estimator (ALTA)

In ALTA only, another version of the Quick Parameter Estimator (QPE) allows you to estimate the parameters of a model based on information you have about the reliability of a product at normal and accelerated stress levels. You can open the QPE from the ribbon by choosing Home > Tools > Quick Parameter Estimator (ALTA).

You can also open the ALTA QPE from the ALTA standard folio (by leaving the folio's data sheet empty and clicking Calculate), as well as the ALTA Monte Carlo and SimuMatic utilities.

Follow the steps below to use the ALTA QPE:

Note: The number of accelerated stress levels you must provide life estimates for will equal the number of stresses that will be used in the selected model. For example, if the model uses two stress types, as shown above, then there will be an Accelerated Life 2 area in which you must provide a characteristic life estimate for a second accelerated stress level.


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