Related Topics:

Custom Charts

Synthesis Workbooks

Spreadsheet Modules

Converting Analysis Workbooks

If you convert a project from Synthesis 8 or 9, any existing Analysis Workbooks will remain in the project because it is not possible to automatically convert images, charts or defined names from the old format. You can continue to use the old workbooks, or convert them to the new format on a case-by-case basis.

If you want to convert an old workbook, a tool is available that will transfer the functions, text and formatting from the old workbook to the spreadsheet module of a new Synthesis Workbook. The new workbook will have the name of the old Analysis Workbook with a “1” appended to the end.

To use the tool, open the workbook, then click Workbook > Actions > Convert to Synthesis Workbook.

Images, charts or defined names in the Analysis Workbook will not be converted. To use the new chart utility to recreate your chart, see Custom Charts.


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