Related Topics:

Function Wizard

Function Wizard Functions

Word Report Template Functions

This section presents the functions that can be entered in Word report templates in BlockSim using the Function Wizard.

The Function Wizard must be used to initially add a function to a report template as the functions are inserted as fields. After doing so, you may copy the function and change its settings.

The functions are grouped into the following categories:

Format: [PROJECT]

Example: [PROJECT] returns the current project name.

Format: [RELIABILITY(Source Number)(Time)]

Example: [RELIABILITY(1)(1000)] uses the analysis in associated data source 1 to return the reliability at 1,000 hours.

Format: [SIM_SYSTEM_RESULTS(Source Number)(Result ID)]

Example: =SIM_SYSTEM_RESULTS(1)(1) uses the analysis in associated data source 1 to return the mean availability (result ID 1) of the system in the phase diagram. You do not have to know the result ID number for this function. You can use the input windows provided by the Function Wizard to select the desired result.

Format: [TBLREL(Source Number)(Start Time;End Time;Time Increment)]

Example: [TBLREL(1)(100;500;50)] uses the analysis in associated data source 1 to return a table containing calculated system reliability results at 100 hours and every additional 50 hours until 500 hours is reached (i.e., 100, 150, 200, 250, etc.).


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