Related Topics:

Function Wizard

Function Wizard Functions

Spreadsheet Functions

This section presents the function types that can be entered in analysis workbooks in BlockSim (using the Function Wizard) or in RENO flowcharts (using the Function Selector and Equation Editor). The functions are grouped into the following categories:

Syntax: RELIABILITY(Data_Src,Mission End Time)

Example: =RELIABILITY("RBD!RBD1",5000) returns the reliability of the system in RBD1 at 5,000 hours.

Syntax: SIM_SYSTEM_RESULTS (Data_Src,Result ID,[Phase])

Example: =SIM_SYSTEM_RESULTS("Phases!Aircraft",1,2) returns the mean availability (result ID 1) of the system in the phase diagram called “Aircraft” during phase number 2. You do not have to know the result IDs and phase numbers for this function. You can use the input windows provided by the Function Wizard to select the desired result and phase.

Syntax: AVERAGE(Number1,Number2,...)

Example 1: =AVERAGE(10,7,9,27,2) sums the numbers, then divides by 5 to return 11.

Example 2: =AVERAGE(A1:A6) returns the average of the values in cells A1 through A6.


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