Related Topics:

Analytical Plots

Setting Confidence Bounds

Where applicable, you can add confidence bounds to a plot by choosing Plot > Confidence Bounds > Confidence Bounds. The Confidence Bounds Setup window will appear, allowing you to define the properties of the confidence bounds lines to be displayed on the plot.

Note: Confidence bounds are available for the Unreliability vs. Time, Reliability vs. Time and Failure Rate vs. Time plots in cases where all blocks that can fail in the diagram use models that have Fisher matrix bounds. To have Fisher matrix bounds, a model must have been created by publishing from a data source, such as a Weibull++ or ALTA data sheet, that was calculated using Fisher matrix bounds. Additionally, bounds are not available if the diagram has containers, subdiagrams or mirrored blocks, or if any block uses the cumulative damage model.

Note that you can also remove confidence bounds from your plot by choosing Plot > Confidence Bounds > Hide Confidence Bounds.


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