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Word Report Template Table Functions

Function Wizard Functions

Time at Probability of Failure Table

Description: Returns a table containing the values for time based on a range of probabilities of failure.

Field Format: [TblTIimeAtProb(Source Number)(Start PF; End PF; Increment)]




Probability of Failure Time
0.1000 2.0177319379837
0.2000 4.26852729426506
0.3000 6.815976515725
0.4000 9.75207116471291
0.5000 13.2189872282333
0.6000 17.454550505373
0.7000 22.9038804411627
0.8000 30.5645576044519
0.9000 43.6118805757422


Note that these values will vary depending on the source diagram.


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