Related Topics:

Word Report Template Simulation Functions

Function Wizard Functions

Simulation System Results

Description: Returns the specified system-level simulation result (Result ID).

Field Format: [SIM_SYSTEM_RESULTS(Source Number)(Result ID)]

# Result ID   # Result ID
0 Simulation End Time   20 Number of OFF Events
1 Mean Availability   21 Throughput
2 Mean Availability Std Deviation   22 CM Misc Cost
3 Mean Availability (w/o PM & Inspection)   23 CM Pool Cost
4 Expected Number of Failures   24 CM Crew Cost
5 Expected Number of Failures Standard Deviation   25 CM Total Cost
6 MTTF   26 PM Misc Cost
7 Uptime   27 PM Pool Cost
8 Downtime   28 PM Costs for Crews
9 CM Downtime   29 PM Total Cost
10 Failure Downtime   30 OC Misc Cost
11 Inspection Downtime   31 OC Pool Cost
12 PM Downtime   32 OC Costs for Crews
13 OC Downtime   33 OC Total Cost
14 OFF Event Downtime   34 IN Misc Cost
15 Number of Failures   35 IN Crew Cost
16 Number of CMs   36 Indirect Pool Cost
17 Number of Inspections   37 Downtime Cost
18 Number of PMs   38 Total Cost
19 Number of OCs  





Note that this value will vary depending on the source diagram.


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